You know it?
And the pineapple trick?
You mustn't leave.
I don't know.
-The job will go well.
-I don't know.
Yes, it will, it must!
You've made it possible.
Marc has changed. Your father's
death was a real blow.
He's turned nasty
because he's scared.
I don't understand it.
He's always been brave.
So resilient--you can't imagine
what a life he had.
I can. My father
often told me about him.
So you know.
You can't imagine
how much I loved that man.
And now even more, probably.
Life with him is wonderful.
He's so good for me.
He asks wonderful,
rigorous things of me.
He's completely self-taught.
He's done it all.
He was me
with the eyes of an inventor.
The eyes of an explorer.
Like a treasure-hunter, as if l
were an answer to something...
something secret and mysterious
hidden deep inside him...
which I sometimes manage
to get close to, so close...
But more often
I'm light years away.
It's exhausting. I don't have
a moment to myself.
That thing is my life.
It's an enigma
which glues us to each other...