Megiddo: The Omega Code 2

Present arms!
Honor arms!
Well, what do you think
of your brother?

l want to be just like him.
Better to be who you are, David.
STONE: l've decided
to forego a military career.

l've accepted a post
with the European Union.

Congratulations, son.
Thank you, father.
Finally we meet.
So you're my little brother.
Well, l hope
l meet your approval.

l'm impressed.
ls father preparing you
to follow in his footsteps?

Well, we're not
in complete agreement...

over what
l'm to do with my life...

but we'll work it out,
won't we, Father?

Of course we will.
l wonder if l could
have something to drink.

Something cold.
No, l'll get it for you.
Hurry back.
We've got a lot
to talk about.

You know, the European Union...
isn't the right place
for you, Stone.

You're not cut out
to be a bureaucrat.

Oh, l know what
l'm doing, Father.

Got it all planned out.
You should come home with me
and learn the business.

No. l was raised here in Europe.
This is my home.
Besides, there's more to life
than just making money.

l haven't done
well by you, Stone.

l want to make it
up to you somehow.

Come home with me.
Let's build
our dreams together.

What do you say?
The 3 of us.
A beautiful sentiment, Father.
But not very practical,
l'm afraid.
