l'm going to do things
that you've never dreamed of.
l'm going
to change the world.
Dear old Dad...
you think l'm
talking nonsense.
You'll see.
-Oh, uh...
-(Speaks ltalian)
No, it's OK. lt's OK.
lt's OK.
Uh, my name
is David Alexander.
You're Stone's brother.
Do you know him?
Well, my father runs the school,
and so l know all the cadets.
STONE: ln my opinion, America
lost the war in Vietnam...
because of the media.
The government
failed to control...
the one weapon
it could have used to win.
Excuse me, General, Father.
ELDER ALEXANDER: l don't know
what you've made of my son.
Believe me when l say to you...
l don't think either one of us
had a hand in making him.
Why didn't your father
send you here?
Well, l guess he just didn't
think l was as good as Stone.
Maybe just different.
l mean, yes, brothers,
but two different people.
Well, now l wish
l had come here.
Um, because it's...
well, it's beautiful.
l don't think l've ever
seen a place more beautiful.
Um, well, uh...
will you...are you
going to become...