to the memory of another
remarkable father...
that of my dear wife
Well done, Stone.
Thank you.
Well, both my sons
have become...
better public speakers
than l ever was.
Oh, that's never
prevented you, Father...
from having your voice heard.
Ah...through others.
Well, it's not the style
of the speech that counts;
it's the content.
Would you excuse me, Father?
l'd like to speak to you,
Stone, alone.
Of course.
(Waltz playing)
(Music ends)
(Speaks ltalian)
l believe we met
here once before.
Two times in 20 years.
l think people are
beginning to talk.
How are you?
Ha ha! l'm old.
How are you?
No, you're not.
You're more beautiful now than
when l last saw you in New York.
Darling, David,
you are my favorite senator.
Well, whatever you are,
l missed you terribly.
ELDER ALEXANDER: Old Francini...
l miss him.
Yes. He was like
a father to me.
More of a father
than l was, l'm sure.
You know...
they say you begin
to reappraise your life...
as your own mortality
becomes more apparent.
With all my success,
l failed at one thing.
And what's that?
Raising you, Stone.
Ha ha! Nonsense.
l rather like what l've become.
Thank you for making my point.
DAVlD: Would you
like to dance?
-l'd love to.
-We have to be careful.