greatest aphrodisiac
known to modern man.
Hell, l take
a liberal dose of it...
every night
before l go to bed.
l need something's that's
going to give me the edge...
when it comes to the showdown
with your brother.
Take a look at this.
An insurance study.
DAVlD: The C.l.A.
has compiled...
a list of 200 names
that at one time or another...
opposed my brother--
either politically
or in business.
Let me guess.
Dead--every one of them.
How many of them died
of unnatural causes?
None. They all died
of heart attacks...
cancer, strokes...
So, what does he do,
cast a spell on 'em?
Don't get mythological
on me, now, David.
l'm just saying
you might want...
to keep your distance from him.
Right now, l can't do that.
lf l expect him
to take me serious...
it's gotta be face-to-face,
man to man.
MAN: You know, sir...
l think the vice president
might be right.
Well, you know,
when you get to be president...
we'll let you make
those decisions.
But until then...
-Ha ha ha ha.
PRESlDENT: 25--come on.
Yes, sir.
Citizens of my World Union...
witness your first day
in a united world!
One currency.
One language.
One goal--
to strive every day...
to make the lives of all men
better and better.
One dictator--
oh, yes, l know
that some of you...
are thinking that,
and l know...
where this fear is coming from.
The same fear
that caused dear friends...
to strike down Julius Caesar
right there in the Roman Forum.
Fear of what he could become.