For Brutus said
he was ambitious.
But, dear friends...
you have no need to fear
my ambitions.
l am no dictator.
But l must lead...
for men at some time
are masters of their fates.
l will not ask you
to follow me...
but to take the journey
with me...
this journey
to a better world!
-How do you do, Chancellor?
-Mr. President.
Ha ha.
My little brother.
Gabriella sends her love
and would like to see you...
if time permits.
Thank you.
That was one hell
of a speech, Chancellor.
Not as good as the one
that got you elected.
Well, now that we've...
blown the appropriate
amount of smoke...
up one another's hindquarters...
do you mind if we get
down to business?
With pleasure.
PRESlDENT: l know that you
have a whole mess...
of third-world countries...
and socialist paradises...
all lined up like
little ducks in a row...
but the U.S. really has
no desire to be involved...
in your so-called
new world order.
l'm afraid it's not
your decision anymore.
You see, the United Nations
and the European Union...
have folded themselves
into my organization.
ln fact...
your representatives to
the U.N. voted for the accord.
Those ambassadors have
since been recalled.