We were never family.
David, l'm trying to help you.
Don't you see?
Together, we can rule the world.
Yes, join with me,
and l'll raise you up.
You'll be second only to me.
You're out of your mind.
l have that power.
l can make it happen.
As long as we have
the Chinese...
and the Latins on our side...
you don't have a chance
in hell...
of getting what you want.
l'll always have
a chance in hell, David.
Oh, come on.
Come on, join with me
in this great adventure.
l promise you,
you won't regret it.
Good-bye, Stone.
DAVlD ON TAPE: This is
unacceptable, Father.
l will have
what is rightfully mine.
-What have you done?
-Oh, it isn't what l've done.
l think it's rather
what you've done...
isn't it, David?
(Father screaming)
DAVlD: You don't
really expect anybody...
to believe that, do you?
l wasn't even up there.
There are witnesses.
This is television.
People believe anything
they see on television.
And besides...
before you can
prove otherwise...
your credibility
will be as dead as...
dear old Dad there.
-Don't push me.
-Oh, goodness.
Does my wife know
what a violent man you are?
Mr. President.
David, l'm sorry.
What can we do for you now?
STONE: l'd also like you
to consult your congress...
President Alexander.
And l would like my answer
within 24 hours.