Something's got to be done.
The Chinese have a half billion
troops on our border.
Oh, ye of little faith.
lf you would kindly
excuse me for a moment...
but rest assured that
everything is going...
as it should be.
Chaos only makes it
that much more interesting.
America will implode.
And as for China...
everything will be
settled at Megiddo.
This government has...
always been
and will always be...
of the people,
by the people...
and for the people
of the United States of America.
Now, this meeting is over.
You will regret this,
l promise you.
Give my regards to my brother,
would you?
You have made
the masses fanatical...
to make them instruments
of your policies.
We'll discuss
all of this later.
No, no!
We discuss it now!
There are things that you simply
do not understand.
Like anyone who gets
in your way ends up dead?
David told me that.
Deny it.
Yes, yes,
l was forgetting...
my little brother
sent you to spy on me.
So it is true?
You killed your father...
the President.
l don't believe it.
Oh, frailty,
thy name is woman.
Look, just go back...
to feeding
your pathetic poor...
and stay out of my business.