Love is hard to explain.
One fact of life
is the bonding and emotionality.
A feeling that jumps on us.
We are powerless to stop it.
Take that thing away.
Where is Nadin?
She's gone. It's your fault.
It's your fault.
You made eyes at him.
Made eyes!
Just trying to amuse myself.
There are better ways
to amuse yourself.
You're jealous.
Overcome with jealousy.
What's wrong?
Lay off Josh.
Stop fooling around!
He's abnormal.
Josh has a screw loose.
Well, I like him.
He's laid back, not cramped.
Then give him a fuck.
He's laid back, your style!
Treat him to a fuck!
Or a cockscrew, if you prefer.
Terrific idea.
Solves all our problems.