Mein Bruder, der Vampir

For example. Well?
What he thinks it means.

I don't know.
Try asking him.

Why me?
Why should I?

You're his counselor.
And you're his brother.

You have a degree.
And you have a penis.

Come to think of it...
May I give you some advice?

Talk to Josh about it.
Man to man.

He'll listen to you.
Yeah, Josh will listen to me, yeah
Hey, you!
Smoking causes cancer.
And smelly feet.

Hey, wait.
Don't go away.
Do you know a Johannes?

The Johannes
in the Sorting and Packing Room.

That's him. Listen.
Tomorrow's his birthday.

He gave me a message.
You are invited.

Stay here.
He wants you at his party.

Here you go.
Here's the address.

The time. Thank you.
Don't forget.
Six o'clock. Six o'clock.

Okay, I'm ready.
You can do it.
