
Lenny, before you go,
could I have my shirt back, please?

(engine starts)
Yo, Lenny! I thought you'd split for good.
Sammy couldn't pick up
any new skills at all.

But I find something in my research.
Sammy should still be able to learn
through repetition.

It's how you learn stuff like riding a bike.
You get better through practice.

It's a different part of the brain
from the short-term memory.

So I had the doctors
test Sammy's response to conditioning.

- Pick up any three objects.
- That's a test?

Where were you guys when I did my CPA?
- (buzz)
- Ow! What the fuck?

- It's a test, Sammy.
- Test this, you fucking quack.

Some of the objects were electrified.
They'd give him a shock.

They kept repeating the test,
always with the same objects electrified.

The point was to see if Sammy could
learn to avoid the electrified objects,...

..not by memory, but by instinct.
(activates alarm)
(knocks on door)
Natalie, right? Who the fuck is Dodd?
Guess I don't have to worry about him
any more.

- What the fuck have you got me into?
- Shh. Come inside.

- Who is he?
- Calm down. OK?

This is my problem. You offered to help.
It's nothing to do with your investigation.

How did you get me into this?
You offered to help me
when you saw what he did to my face.

- How do I know he did that to your face?
- I came straight to you after he did it.
