Zombies, they're called.
Strange word.
Make no mistake,
the zombie is a savage soul...
... with no conscience.
And if provoked, can and will...
... rip the guts out of each and every
living being here tonight.
You have been warned.
Remember me?
It is Angus, your friend.
I've brought some nice people
who want you to meet you.
There's no reason to be afraid.
For God's sake, he looks like
my Uncle Fergus.
- Please, be quiet.
- I demand me money back!
For God's sake, go to the back.
We'll give you your money back.
You people are being fooled.
That's not a zombie.
It's a clown dressed in rags.
Get out of here!
Please be quiet!
Be calm, everyone!
No, no! Please!
No, I beg you.
Please don't hurt me! Please!