Mermaid Chronicles Part 1: She Creature

Mermaids are myths.
Everybody knows that.
They sing, they dance.
They lure the sailors to their lair
with their pale flesh.

And the story goes that every year...
... under the strongest of
the full moons, usually in summer...

... the mermaid becomes human
for roughly one night.

That's right. Human.
Legs, feet and all.
Quaint little maidens.
Meek as sin.
Who will believe an extraordinary
story like that?

This one has an
unfortunate skin condition.

That is the queen of the lair.
Different cultures
have different names for her.

Moreski Rudi, Coralia, Sihrena.
But they all share one thing
in common:

They all say her name in hushed tones.
She has powers the others don't.
Certain pagan religions esteem her...
... the highest of fertility symbols.
- You have to go now?
- Well, you know, it's just...

Yes, I understand.
I wasn't always old and incoherent.

Thanks for the ride home.
- Our pleasure.
- Certainly.

- You didn't believe me, did you?
- Sure we did. Everything.

We'll be travelling soon
and need rest.

I came to your show
because I believed...
