Is that what's upset you?
Did you read it?
I leafed through it. Sure.
You leafed through it?
You leafed through, "She's taken ahold
of him. She knows my thoughts.
She answers when I have not spoken,
so I'm trapped. I can't kill her.
She knows it's coming."
You read that, the very last entry?
Not that part.
It's the crazy ramblings of his wife.
She sounds completely sane to me.
Sounds like someone who meticulously
recorded her descent into despair.
- She give facts, dates.
- Her husband was crazy too.
"Was," you said?
- Her husband was crazy?
- Is crazy. Her husband is crazy!
Why do you interrogate me?
- What happened to Woolrich?
- I told you.
He gave us his blessing and the book.
You know, for reference purposes.
He didn't give you this book, Angus.
- Did you talk to Bailey?
- Bailey said nothing.
Woolrich didn't give you this.
His wife admits...
... that they fed two people
to the creature.
Not to mention,
that she herself wound up as dinner.
Nobody's crazy enough to hand over
three murder confessions.
It was an accident.
Bailey pushed him too hard.
The creature ate Miles.
Let me hear you say it.
Don't treat me like I'm crazy.
Yeah, you're probably right.
It's only a matter of time
before she kills someone else.