Uh, thanks, I guess.
I know this is food,
but it's all rotten.
Yeah. You put it in your mouth
like this... and eat it.
No, don't eat that!
It'll make you sick!
'No, don't eat... make you sick'...
Clear to proceed with experiment.
Magnetic bias 3.7.
Continuing line adjustment.
Commencing cooling.
Opening dome.
40 seconds to radiation... 39, 38...
Motor, cooling, sensor
and operating systems, all 'go'.
Control authorization.
We are 'go'.
Energy condensers confirmed at
Level 3, plus-33.
Observation Group to Control: :
transmitting footage from city.
Commencing final preparations.
Magnetic target: : bias 0.25.
Optical target: : bias 1.06.
Radiation equipment in position.
We'll radiate for three minutes.
Citizens won't be affected,
but above-ground robots will.
I'm having everything recorded.
The data will be valuable.