...by developing such a thing!
The Malduk robot hunters...
...are using this as an excuse...
...to cry 'human rights' and press
for changes in the Robot Law.
The pro-robot citizens' groups...
...say that's reactionary nonsense.
They're organizing protests.
There's fighting breaking out.
This is our chance, Mr President!
We could make a case
for treason here.
Will the military support us?
Some units are under Duke Red's
influence, but I can handle that.
We'll stir up the public
with a few leaks.
Once sentiment is against Duke Red,
we'll arrest him for treason.
Should military action be needed,
you have...
...my approval.
I suspect he was the guy
who did in Laughton.
What I don't understand is
how they were connected.
Just what was Laughton
working on, anyway?
What will you do?
Laughton's already dead.
I want at least to know why.
My client deserves that.
Where's he going now?
Zone 2, I think.