I'll report the instant
we find anything, sir.
Duke Red?
We can track the signal...
...by where it burned out the splitters.
Got it!
Zone 1, South Block 1 7.
The Hotel Coconut.
Tell me, please! Am I human,
or am I...
Well, you're different...
...from normal robots.
I'm human.
Just like Ken-ichi!
Uh, yes... of course you are!
Anyway, now we've got to
rescue Ken-ichi.
Tima! I've been looking for you!
Tell me what's going on,
or I'll charge you with kidnapping!
I'm not your man.
It's your son you want to talk to.
Huh? Rock?
I don't know what the plan is...
...but I suspect Dr Laughton
was involved in it somehow.