What are you writing ?
It's a... grocery list.
No. No, wait a minute.
I didn't hate him like that.
Like what ?
You guys work on a quota system ?
Ten bucks a suspect,
something like that ?
I'm real terribly sorry...
to have troubled you,
Miss Panos.
Thank you.
You're wagging
your antenna...
in the wrong direction,
Thank you very much
for your hospitality.
Good night.
Aah !
Yeah, I had a problem
with Jason Mundy.
He was a creep.
Just ask my front door.
You know, besides rating low
on your likability list...
Jason Mundy
and Lincoln Trahn...
they had something else
in common.
You want to guess what that is ?
They were both
missing their faces.
You know,
I'm not really a shrink...
but I'd have to say that...
you really have to
hate looking at someone...
to want to rip his face
clean off.
This... this is crazy.
You know, one of your...