Move, move !
Take your positions !
- Move, move !
- Over there !
She didn't answer.
You're surprised ? I'm not.
Let's go, go, go !
Gives me the willies.
Move !
Let's back all the way up !
Don't shoot ! Don't shoot !
There's two more inside !
- Where ?
- In the principal's office.
- No, not anymore.
- What do you mean ?
No, we just rang it.
There's nobody in there...
alive, at least.
What are you talking about ?
You can't know that !
No, we just rang the office
and nobody picked up.
You rang it ?
I just came from there !
That's it !
Back off, Detective !
What was that, Remi ?
Come on, just keep going.
Remi ?
Detective !
We'll take it from here, thanks.
Sergeant, escort these two
to the holding area.
I want this premises sealed now.
What are you doing ?
Containment and eradication.
It's that simple.
Give me five minutes.
Can't do it.
Every second we delay...
lowers our probability
of success.
God damn it, there's
still two people in there.
There's a hell of a lot
more hanging on this deal...
than two people who are
probably dead already.