So, what exactly are you
searching for, Detective ?
Well, right now I'm searching
for some information...
on a guy named Lincoln Trahn.
I heard what happened.
He was a colleague
of yours, right ?
Colleague ? Lincoln Trahn
sold endangered species...
on the black market.
At least 200 species
of arthropod...
are now extinct
thanks to Lincoln Trahn.
So he was an enemy,
I mean on a professional level.
I can't say I miss him.
What are you writing ?
It's a... grocery list.
No. No, wait a minute.
I didn't hate him like that.
Like what ?
You guys work on a quota system ?
Ten bucks a suspect,
something like that ?
I'm real terribly sorry...
to have troubled you,
Miss Panos.
Thank you.
You're wagging
your antenna...
in the wrong direction,
Thank you very much
for your hospitality.
Good night.
Aah !