and it didn't hurt me.
What about Mr. Deaver ?
Well, I think
what Mr. Deaver did...
Have you ever poked
a bee's nest...
and all the bees, they fly out
and try to sting you ?
It's because
you disturbed their nest.
They're just acting
on instinct.
Are we in the nest ?
In a way.
In a way, yes, I think we are.
That's why we have to be
very careful not to disturb it.
Uhh !
Do we have
to stay in here ?
No. Not long.
Just long enough to figure out
the best way to leave. OK ?
It's OK. I'm not scared.
Good. Then neither am I.
Unh !
What are you doing ?
I don't know.
Who ?
"Lincoln Trahn."
Just don't ! Don't open it.
Why not ?
Just leave it alone.
Whatever you say.
- Nicky !
- I didn't do it !
It's nothin'.
It's just dirt. It's nothin'.
Shit ! Shit !