And I just stood here like this.
What would my chances be?
What would you think of me?
Would there be any hope?
Then he ran home and got
his Christopher Walken collection.
He insisted that we go back
to my place and watch some.
I could not turn him down.
We have gone out ever since.
-Put the shirt on.
-What's the matter?
-Sounds like a good pickup line.
-Pickup line? It was romantic.
-Was it so magical with Silje?
-That's different.
Tell me.
Sit down and tell me!
We were at Cementen, and she
invited me to play backgammon.
You said yes
to play with a pretty girl.
That wasn't why. You know
that I like to play backgammon.
We started playing and talking,
and she won every time.
And I realized she had substance.
In addition to being
blonde, slender and pretty.
That doesn't matter to me.
Her beauty is simply a ... bonus.
Then it does matter.