-He's a ... strange man.
-What do you mean?
We've been going out for two months.
And I think he's totally sexy.
But I can't get anywhere with him.
Nothing happens.
Every time I try ...
I am so ready, but we haven't ...
-You haven't screwed yet?
-No, we haven't.
So it's strange to hear you say
that I'm the one he wants.
Because I am so ready.
I want to fuck!
-The funniest thing ...
This friend of mine asked me
for advice about women.
-What was his problem?
-Sleeping and stuff.
-In bed.
-You mean fucking?
Maybe he was a virgin.
-No, I don't think so.
-What did you tell him?
The usual.
What would you say,
if someone asked you?
Screw like a madman!
But treat them nicely afterward.
I said something like that.
Have a seat. Westcoast Allstars
is the name of my new project.
Westcoast meaning ''not Oslo''.