Show some respect!
How is it going
with you and Kristoffer?
I don't know. Doesn't he live
with your brother Stian?
I haven't talked with Stian for ages.
He's always in a bad mood.
They lived with a cute Englishman -
- that was fixing up some old car.
His name was Wayne.
Wayne's Garage.
-Wayne. Hello.
-I'm looking for Stian.
-He went to the plant nursery.
-He left a while ago.
-I'm actually looking for Kristoffer.
So you're that Pia!
He moved out some time ago.
My car is ready.
I can give you a ride out to Stian's.
He'll know where Kristoffer is.
-OK. In that car?
-Yes. Just let me get changed.
-Let's go somewhere.
-What are you talking about?
-A trip.
-Away from here?
Are you crazy? Here we have
bunkers, mountains, Stavanger ...
Believe me.
I know what I'm talking about.