
the Comedy Channel has picked us up
with an order for six episodes.

AndnowI'dlikeyou tomeet
theman whogotitallstarted,

the creatorofAmerica's

the man behind the monkey,
ifyou will.

Ladies and gentlemen,
please-- Stu Miley!

- [ Cheering, Applause ]
- Come on, Stu. Don'tbeshy!

You can't goyet.
There's a potload ofmoney here.

Besides, you haven't talked to Bill
from Bazoom Toys, who's got great ideas.

Oh, Mr. Miley, do we ever!
Check it out. The Monkeybone phone.

Every kid's gonna want three and
want their friends to have three.

Check out the slippers. You're walking,
your tootsies are warm, you're laughing.

The Monkeybone backpack. Ifyou're
goin' to Europe, flip it around--

Stu. Stu. Stu, what areyou doin'?
Come on. Come on.

We gotta talk to the guys
from Burger God.

Burger God-- aren't they the ones that
found the rat gut in the french fries?

No. No.
No, they found a pig gut,
which is different.

- Mmm.
- That's-That's practically pork.

- [ Scoffs ]
- It's a lot ofreal money,

the kind ofmoney
that can buy happiness.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- I got the ring, Herb.
- The what?

- The ring. That ring.
- What ring? No.

- What-What doyou mean?
- Tonight's the night, Herb.

- Why?
- Tonight is the night.

That girl pulled me
out ofa nightmare.

Shemakesmehappy, Herb,

Right over here.
Doyou see this door?

The cool thing is
thatyou open it,

you go out, it closes,
and you can't get back in.
