- But, Stu, you want to leave?
- Yeah.
- You're a hit! Everybody loves you!
- Come on!
Doc, I don't want to be stuck here
with a bunch ofthese media creeps.
I just want to be us,
home, alone.
Come on. Besides, Ihavesomething
thatI-I want togive toyou.
give it to me later?
Yes, I could, but iflater got here
sooner, it-- it would be a lot better.
Hi, Herb.
- Ah, yes.
- Herb--
Yeah. Oh-- Yeah, that'll be good.
You got everything? Ah, yeah.
Stu, these arejust prototypes.
They aren't the real products.
Just something foryou to take home.
Just spend some time with them,
get a feeling for them
beforeyou say ''no.''
- No.
- [ Squeaks ]
Stu, come on.
One more thing.
Actually, there's a couple oftrucks to
come with, you know, Monkeybone stuff.
- You guys mind waiting a little longer?
- [ Car Starts ]
Good night, Herb.
Ofcourse. You guys get outta here.
You're a beautiful couple.
Lookat this.
Now he won'tletus leave.
- Who?
- Themonkey!Hey, Herb,
Canyouget thisguytomove?
- Oh, yeah. Okay.
- Come on, please? Help me out here.
Stu, stop.
The monkey is good luck.
- Come on.
- I never had any good luck...
- until I metyou.
- Everybodyloveshim.
You're gonna be a huge success,
sojust relax and enjoy it.
- [ Chuckles ]
[Truck Horn Honks]
[Stu, Mockingly]
Thankyou, Herb!
- What happened?
- I don't know!
- What is it?
- Some sort ofinflatable raft.