Time for a little singing,
a little dancing...
and, ofcourse, some good-natured
bashing ofmyvery own creator,
Mr. Stu-pid Mopey!
- Hey, guy!
- [ Chuckles Nervously]
Now, I knowyou're all in comas,
but my fiirst guest is gonna...
spikeyour charts!
[ Laughs Wanly]
* I wanna be loved byyou *
* I wanna be loved byyou *
* Deedle-ee deedle-ee deedle-ee dum
Boop-boop-ee do **
- [ Trumpets ]
- Whoo-oo-oo!
- [ Gasps ]
- Mmmm--
- [ Shrieks ]
- Hiya, boss.
[ Whimpers ]
- Kimmy?
- Oh,Julie. Oh, my God, look at him.
Oh, God, I can't stand to look
at him. Oh, God. Wow.
Howyou doin', little one, hmm?
You holdin' up?
I'm fiine, Kimmy.
At least he had a chance
to giveyou the ring.
- The ring?
- Grandmother's engagement ring.
- The onehehadmesendsohe--
- Good morning, Dr. McElroy.
Hello, Doctor.
Kimmy, this is Dr. Edelstein.
- Vital signs have stabilized. Good.
- Listen, Doctor,
these machines are actuallywhat's
keeping him alive right now, right?
- At the moment, yes.
- Okay. Well, doyou think...
-you could give me a realistic--
- Comas are unpredictable.
He could wake up today
or tomorrow or--
Doctor, hey, sweetheart.
Our father took
a long time to die,
when our time came...