[Dog Whimpers]
Stu did this?
Yeah, right about the time we met,
when he fiirst came to the sleep lab.
Jesus, honey.
agoodnight'ssleep inyears.
Thenightmares would wakehim up,
How doyou go from here...
to cartoons?
- What?
Stu was right-handed, so I made him
switch the pen to his left hand...
to see what would come out,
and we got the fiirst Monkeybone.
- Wow. Twoguys in thesamebrain.
- Yeah.
Which one did you
fall in love with?
$$$$[Nightclub Music]
Hey, Stu, whysoglum?
Atleast theyhaven'tpulled
theplugyet. Haveanother 'tini.
No, I'm sick ofmartinis...
and carnival rides and watching
other people's nightmares.
- Hmm?
- The one thing I'm really sick ofis--
Speakingofdames, I'dlike tosing
a tuneabout thebeautiful MissJulie.
She's conscious,
boyfriend here's an eggplant.
I'mjustkiddin; pal,
MissJulie is faithful,
loyal and true.
*All aboard *
*The lady got a loose caboose, all
aboard, the lady got a loose caboose *
* On board
Get on theJulie train *