* On board MissJulie's
juicy booty train *
- * Uh-huh, myJulie's got a booty-- **
- Whaa!
You have humiliated me
in public for the last time!
- I doubt that. [ Screams ]
- Back in the pack!
Letme out. It'snotmy fault. Ihappen
tobea figmentofyourimagination.
- Learn to act normally. I had to.
- Normal, huh?
- Hiya, Stu.
- Hello, Kitty!
[ Growls, Barks ]
- I broughtyou a refiill.
- I'dloveastiffone,
but Stu here forgot
to endow me, equip me.
- Ow!
- Nothing for him. He's being repressed.
Is something wrong, Stu?
You seem... tense.
It's my girlfriend. I'm starting
to think I'll never see her again.
- Why didn't I just propose?
Right there. At least that way
I'd know what she said.
- I'd know ifshe's waiting for me.
- She is waiting foryou, Stu.
I know she is.
- Guys likeyoudon'tcomearoundoften.
- Ahh!
[ Sighs ]
I mean it, Stu.
You're one in a million.
- [ Purring ]
- [HeartBeating]
[ Shrieking ]
- That's it! Back in the pack!
- Not by the hair ofmy butty-butt-butt!
- [ Growls, Yells ]
- [ Shrieks ]
- I'm reportin' this to my union!
- What union?
The sidekick's union-- me, Tonto,
Robin, the BoyWonder, Chewbacca--
[Imitates Chewbacca]
You topbananasbetter watch--
- That's it! Enemy fiire! I'm goin' in!
- Come here.
Ah-oo-ga! Ah-oo-ga!
Dive! Dive! Dive! Dive!
- I left my phone number in your undies.
- [ Snarls ]
[ Blubbering ]
Try not to lose it in traffiic!
Sorry, Kitty. I'll be right back,
after I choke my monkey!
- Eat my dust! Loser!
- Monkeybone!