- [ Gasps ]
- An Exit Pass!
- Got a reprieve.
- Good for him. He's gonna wake up.
No, no, no.
This isnotright.
- He's old! Ancient!
- That geezer?
That decrepit old fart?
[Monkeybone]Hey, HonestAbe,
the GreatEmancipator!
- Whoo!
- No! Wha--
[Crowd Gasps]
- But--
- But--
- Wha-- I--
- Wha-- I--
- Th--
- Th--
Hey! Hey, you!
I want to talk toyou.
[ Monkeybone Shrieks ]
He got an Exit Pass.
- Where's mine? When do I go home?
Stu, please. Let's not
disturb the nice Reaper.
- [ Crowd Gasps ]
- Sorry, mate.
- [ Whimpering ]
- Offduty.
- ''Off-duty''? You--
- Calm down!
Whoa, boss, you got it
all mixed up.
You're the nice guy,
I'm the irrepressible screw-up.
- Whoa!
- Mr. Reaper, I'm sorry!
Wait, wait!
Come back! Come back!
- [ Bike Bell Ringing ]
- That's right! Youflyaway!
Fly away!
[ Muttering ]
Fly, fly... away.
Oh, who am I kidding?
I am never gonna get outta here.
I'm never gonna see her again.
Goodgolly, Mr. Miley.
Mr. StuMiley, hmm?