Cheating Death--
and this is extremely
offthe record--
whatyou gotta do...
is go into the Land of Death,
sneak up right under Death's nose...
and steal
one ofthose Exit Passes.
Well, Hyp, thanks for the idea,
and good luckwith the shock therapy.
- [ Laughing ]
- [ Hissing ] Will you shut up?
He gaveyou a sign?
It doesn't sound rational, okay?
It's not rational.
I don't care anymore, Alice. We've
got exactly six hours to wake him up.
Hey, look! Mr. Green Stain's got
a dead one. What do we do now?
[Stu]He's takingherto the Land
ofDeath. Wehave tohitcharide.
-Don't worry. I'll protectyou.
-Listen toyou-- Xena, Warrior Princess!
** [ Humming ]
Thegatesare closing!
Come on!
[ Grunting ]
Help, boss, I'mgoing fast!
I'm dying, boss!
Come on, come on!
Lookwhat I found.
[ Chuckles ]
- Whoo! Well, that's worth knowing.
- [ Moaning ]
[ Both Screaming ]
Chart number one is
from fiiveyears ago.
This is the worst nightmare
Stu had at the sleep lab--
abnormally intense alpha wave activity
with a peak that lasted over a minute.