And this-- Alice--
this is earlier today.
- Holy shit.
- Wow.
He's caught in a loop--
a nightmare loop.
- Does everybody know what Oneirix is?
Ifthose charts are right,
Stu's swimmin' in the stuff.
- We can decrease thelevels.
- No, I want to give him a massive dose.
- That's not gonna stop his nightmare.
- Hutch, I don't want to.
I want to crank it up, take it right off
the charts. I want to scare him awake.
$$In theafterlifeyoucouldbeheaded
$$Nowyoumake thesceneall day
but tomorrowthere'llbehelltopay$$
$$In theafterlifeyoucouldbeheaded
$$$$[Continues, Indistinct]
DownTown trolley,
right on schedule.
Yes, yes, yes.
All right.
But I'm at a critical
juncture here, please.
The last days of Pompeii.
[ Gasps, Laughs ]
-Nice eruption.
-Thankyou! I'm yours. What doyou want?
- Let's get to reapin'.
- Let'sgo!
Got a bunch ofnew recruits
fresh in from Dispatch.
- Fine, fiine. Sendthem in.
-Send 'em in!
[ All Murmuring ]
Okay, fiirstup
on the docket today,
Chakasandra Singh,
New Delhi-- snakebite.
Singh, sang, sung.
- [ Whimpers ]
- [ Chuckles ]
Okay, Scott, step up here, please.
Scott, Death. Death, Scott.
- Hi, Scott.
- Hello.
Nextup, Clark Devereaux,
Chicago, Illinois.
- Looks like complications from a coma.
- Right.