- Ah-- Oh, come on!
- What?
- It says he recovers.
- Recover?
40years. It'sareprieve.
- Let me have an Exit Pass. Yeah.
- ExitPass?
That means forms.
That means bureaucracy.
- Yeah. What'syourname?
- Say something!
- Herb.
- Come here, Herb.
- Please.
- [ Stu ] I am standing up straight.
I wantyou to picture this
with me, ifyou can.
-You'rea customer, you'reabout to die.
You're a little excited, a little
fearful, and here comes the Grim Reaper.
Tell me, Herb, [ Shouting ]
what the hell is he covered in?
- Uh, pea soup?
- As you requested, one Exit Pass,
- [ Gasps ]
Omighty wielder
- [ Stu ]Just behave!
- ExitPass?Oh, whata coincidence!
I wasjustheadingoverto DownTown--
Don'tbiteme there!
I'dbehappyto drop that
offforyou, ifyoudon'tmind!
- Herb?
-[Monkeybone] Yeah?
Could I seeyou
over there, please?
-[Monkeybone Whimpers]Overthere?
- Yeah.
- Latta!
- [ Growling ]
[ Growling, Snarling ]
- Uh-oh.
- Impostors! Get that monkey!
- Get 'em!
Get in there! Go on, you Reapers!
Go, go, go!
Stu, Stu, Stu!
[ Whooping ]
- That's it!
- Well done!
- Fire in the hole!
- Whose hole? Whose hole?
[ Yelling ]
[Alarm Blaring]
Hey, Monkeybone, there'sa train!
Arnold, now. Now!