Thankyou, Kitty,
but that doesn't matter right now.
The woman I love is living with a horny
little monkey that looks like me.
- What a lucky girl.
- Kitty, listen.
Is thereany wayIcangetamessage to
warnherabout whatMonkeyboneis up to?
- Time's up! Break it up! Let's move!
- No, no. No!
- Give me a moment,just to look at him.
- Let's go!
- Stu!
- Feeding time!
As you know, Burger God
is prepared to launch...
ournewMega Monkey Meal.
- Uh, something wrong?
- How much is McDonald's offering?
- Less.
Apleasure tobe
inbusiness withyou.
[ Laughing ]
Here's another thing. The Natural
History Museum is kicking off...
a fund-raising campaign and wanna know
ifyou can appear at a benefiit.
Oh, I get it.
We give the public the impression...
that we're doing
something charitable-- brilliant!
Yes, that's it exactly.
Now, I thinkyou remember
Bill here from Bazoom Toys.
We have a little something here
we thinkyou mightjust like.
Codename::LittleJack Horner.
Go ahead,
pull out his thumb.
- [ Trumpets ]
- [ All Laughing ]
- No, it's mine!
- Oh.