Say, could you fiill these babies up
with a particulate solution...
to tenparts water?
- Uh,Jerry?
- Sure.
- Yeah, yeah, I guess we could.
- All right!
You've gotyourself
a deal!
- [ Trumpeting ]
- [ All Laughing ]
Shall we shake on it?
Shake on it? That's not the way
we do things in Monkey Land.
In Monkey Land,
we rub our bottoms together.
You heard the man.
Getyour asses on the table.
[ Cackling ]
The thing is, I'm responsible
for the way he's acting.
It's the nightmarejuice.
It's gotta be.
Julie, that stuff
probably saved his life.
He's not Stu anymore.
The Stu I love is gone.
He spends all his time in the garage.
He says that he's... autographing.
[ Laughing ]
Nightmare in a butt!
- [ Trumpets ]
- [ Laughing ]
- Huh?
I think I hear
a guinea pig.
[BusterContinues Barking]
Listen, let's bring him in
for some tests.
I guarantee
you're overreacting.
[ Buster Barking ]
Oh, actually, no, I don't think
I'm overreacting.