but never get punished
Some of them do so well
they make you jealous!
Meanwhile, good people...
like Pan
strange as it may seem
it's as if God's mysterious foot
keeps them down...
all the way down
to this hellish shit hole
Strange, isn't it?
The May dewdrops tell me...
my true love is near...
But if you reject me...
the dew just trickles away
Love can turn to something else!
A room can shrink to a mouse hole!
A love filled home...
can become cold and empty!
How much? It's paid for
Who paid?
Hi, Sia Noi!
Hi, Sadaw!
You look lovely tonight...
Who made this blouse for you?
I bought it
can't take my eyes off your beauty
Why do you transfix me so?
Why must I stare at you?
Why does my heart pound so?