Elbow Tree, Knee Flower
Toe Root and...
Foot Pollen
Foot pollen? Yes
Did I say something wrong?
Get the hell away from me!
You should show me some respect!
Sadaw, what about my cash advance?
Here is your cash!
Get away from me or you'll
feel my foot
I haven't kicked you yet!
What's wrong? You look so angry
Give this to Pan
it's his pay for digging the pond
He wasn't kidding
about the ghost recipe...
What kind of medicine's
made from feet?
I'll tell you...
Elbow Tree is lemongrass
it's the length of a forearm
Knee Flower is a real flower
Toe Root's from the roots of bean plant
It grows in our yard
Foot Pollen
comes from a plant with leaves...
as curly as birds' feet
I see... But why not call them
by their real names?
My Dad thought Pan wanted him
to eat some feet!
It's a Ghost recipe...
The ingredients have mystical names
with mysterious power to cure
Here, this is from Pan
Sadaw, my love...
the May dewdrops are here...
Aren't you cold? When will you choose
someone to plough with you?
As the days grow longer, things change
Sadaw, my pretty one
I long to hold you in my arms
but heaven plays funny tricks on me