Monrak Transistor

Ho! What song's that?
No such song!
Anyone in the band know it?
Can you play it? He can't
Sorry, guy, we don't know your song
Change it! Sing something else!
No, I want to sing this song
But the band can't play it!
I can do it without music
Hey, this guy is great!
I want to hear him!
He has balls!
Pan! Let's get back to the camp!
The hot winds wafted
over the rice paddy last April
I had to leave
when the hot winds came
Sad soldier, I had to leave
I hugged you, telling you not to cry
Seeing your tears wrung my heart
I felt sorry for you, I felt so sad
From now on, who would help you plough?
I worried about you
I didn't want to go
