They can go far, fast
Because they have tits and asses
What have you got? Balls
Pan, what's the matter?
When will I get a chance to sing?
You said you loved this career...
I do
It takes time to prove true love
But I've been here two years
You think we're folding
paper bags here?
Let me tell you
the economy is bad right now
I can't afford to take risks!
Do you know how much we owe the bank?
If we went bankrupt
how many people would be out of work?
I'll tell you what, Pan
tomorrow you will have...
a job
food on your plate
and a bed
Be grateful for it!
You told me you were not ungrateful!
But now you're starting
to behave selfishly
I'm sorry
But what about the girls?
Why do girls get ahead?
They have tits and asses...
You only have balls