Whoo! Whoo!
That Duke
certainly can dance.
So wonderful of you to take
an interest in our little show.
It sounds very exciting.
I'd be delighted to be involved.
- Really?
- Assuming you like
what I do, of course.
I'm sure I will.
- Oh-ho!
- Toulouse thought
we might be able to, um,
do it in private.
- Did he?
- Yes, you know, uh, a private...
- poetry reading.
Mmm, a poetry reading.
Oh, I love a little poetry
after supper.
" Entertain us "
" Here we are now
entertain us "
- " 'Cause we're stupid "
- Hang on to your hat!
" Diamonds "
Hah! Hah!
" Diamonds "
" Square-cut
or pear-shaped "
"These rocks won't lose "
"Their shape "
" Diamonds "
- Fantastic!
- "Are a girl's "
" Best-- "