" Want to vanish"
"Inside your kiss"
Now, uh, this new scene
is the scene where the sitar player...
writes a secret song
for the courtesan...
so that whatever is happening,
however bad things are,
th-they remember their love,
and, um--
We could take it
from your line, Satine.
So let's take it--
- We must be careful.
- Fear not.
We will conduct our love affair
right under the maharajah.
" Seasons may change "
"Winter to spring "
Honestly, amigo,
this is impossible!
" But I love you "
" Until the end "
" Of time "
" Come what may"
" Come what may"
" I will love you "
" Until my dying "
" Day"
" Suddenly the world "
" Seems such
a perfect place "
- My dear! A little frog!
" Suddenly it moves "
"With such a perfect grace "
" Suddenly my life
doesn't seem "
" Such a waste "
" It all revolves "
"Around you "
"And there's no mountain too high "
"No river too wide"
"Sing out this song"
"And I'll be there
by your side"