How wonderful
Life is
Now you're in
The world
[ Typewriter Clicking ]
[ Typewriter Clicking ]
[ Christian Narrating ] How wonderful
life was, now Satine was in the world.
[ Faint Ghostly Singing ]
But in the Duke,
Zidler had gotten much more
than he had bargained for.
The conversion of the
Moulin Rouge into a theater will
cost a fantastic sum of money.
So in return,
I would require a contract...
that, um, uh,
binds Satine to me...
Naturally, I shall require
some security.
I shall require the deeds
to the Moulin Rouge.
My dear Duke, I--
Please! Don't think
that I'm naive, Zidler.
I shall hold the deeds
to the Moulin Rouge.
- And if there are any shenanigans,
- I--
my manservant Warner...
will deal with it
in the only language...
that you underworld
show folk understand.
Satine will be mine.
It's not that I'm
a jealous man.
I just don't like...
other people
touching my things!
[ Exhales ]
I... understand...
completely, Duke.
Good. Now that we have
an understanding,
it would appear that, uh,
you have the means...
to transform
your beloved Moulin Rouge--
Into a theater!