Yeah, yeah.
Of course, yeah.
He says you're the most
dedicated he's ever had.
I can see why he loves you.
You're everything
I ever heard you were.
10 milligrams for each
50 pounds of body weight
produces instant paralysis.
For 10 minutes
before his heart gives out,
he'll feel everything
that is being done to him.
With a happy bonus
of complete immobility.
Do you understand
the nature of freedom, Jon?
There are some steps
which should only be taken
of one's own free will.
There are choices which determine
the course of one's life entire.
Oh, my boy Jon
understands the word freedom.
So he understands
what a precious
and terrible thing it is.
Your choice.
One small step for man...
One giant leap for mankind.
Tattooed Man:
Welcome to the party!
(man screaming)