Anyway, she left me some money.
- She worked here.
- In the movies?
Well, how did you meet Camilla?
On the Sylvia North Story.
Oh, Camilla was great in that.
(Camilla ) Yo nunca fui a Casablanca
con Luigi.
- (Man ) ;Qué lástima!
- ;Qué va!
I wanted the lead so bad.
Anyway, Camilla got the part.
The director...
Todd Brooker?
He didn't think so much of me.
Anyway, that's when
we became friends.
She helped me,
getting some parts
in some of her films.
I see.
(Adam ) So I got the pool...
and she got the pool man!
I couldn't believe it, I wanted
to buy that judge a Rolls-Royce.
(Camilla ) Mmmm.
(Camilla giggles )
Sometimes good things happen.