Mulholland Drive

... Rita, your friend.
No, Coco unlocked the door.
... No, she didn't see her.
... She's sleeping.
I'm sure there's some explanation for this
Aunt Ruth,

I don't think we have to do that.
Please don't worry...
we don't need the police.

You're awake...
I think I misunderstood.
I thought you knew my Aunt and
that's why you were here.

I just talked to my Aunt on the phone and she wants me
to call the police.

I'm... sorry. I ...
What is it Rita?
I thought when I woke up...
I thought sleep would do it...
What's wrong?
I don't know who I am.
What do you mean?
You're Rita.

I'm not. I don't know what my name is.
I don't know who I am!!
This is your purse.
Your name must be in your purse.

You want to know, don't you?
I ... yes, but ... I ...
- Open it!
