Mulholland Drive

It was my duty to inform you.
People you're hiding from,
they know where you are.

I'm sorry
Someone's maybe shut off my money!
I know.
Where are you Adam?

What do you mean you know?
Somebody called. When they couldn't get you...
they told me you were as good as broke.
I didn't believe them,
so I made a few calls.

- And?
- You're broke!

But I'm not broke!
I know, but you're broke.
Where are you?

I'm at Cookie's Downtown.
Do you know somebody called the "The Cowboy"?
- "The Cowboy"?
- Yes

Yeah, the Cowboy.
This guy, the Cowboy,
wants to see you.

Jason said he thought it would be a good idea.
Oh, Jason thought it would be a good idea
for me to go to see the Cowboy.

Should I wear my ten gallon hat and my six shooters?
Listen. Something tells me this guy is connected
to what's happening,

and I think you should do it and I think you should
do it right away.

What's going on, Cynthia?
It's been a very strange day...
and getting stranger.
Where do I meet this Cowboy? I mean...
do I have to ride out to the range?

Sort of, funny boy.
If I tell him the
meeting's on...

you have to go to the top of
Beachwood Canyon.

There's a corral up there where he'll be.
You've got to be kidding me!
