You still look pale.
It's alright, I wanna help you.
Water! Come get some!
We have water here!
We have water!
I'm so happy!
They are going to strike quickly.
First, they will attack the gate.
Then they'll surround us and climb in.
We have no defenses here.
General, please lead us.
I don't want to become a fool again.
Everyone knows why Koreans are
outstanding in defense of castles.
It is because they had excellent leaders.
I will fight by myself.
I was the one who made us head to Korea.
I made us save the Princess...
I started this all.
Whether we go home or not,
fight for your name...
This is the time for all of us to unite.
It is none of your business.
This is my war.
Distribute liquor to the soldiers and
let them sleep until the sun is fully up.
We have to capture the Princess
and return to the base as soon as possible.
For the past three months,
we haven't had a single day's peace.
We need to attack them quickly!
What if Ming's troops come...