Don't you have any questions?
Yes. Will you christen
the place with me?
What do you mean by "christen"?
Dance with me.
Oh, i can't do that.
Why not?
Well, there isn't any music.
If i'm ever gonna dance,
i need my music.
If you listen very carefully,
you can hear it.
What do you mean? Like,
"if you build it, they will come"?
I don't hear anything.
So is this good
for your daughter?
My daughter loves the place.
I can't believe i'm getting
my own apartment.
It's so grown-up and scary.
- When will you tell your parents?
- Why don't you tell them?
Yeah, right.
"A home is a place
where you keep your socks...
and socks are for keeping
everything warm."
That's my grandma.
Come on, rasta man.
Share something with me.
I just did an interpretation
of my dead grandmother.
I was married once...
about 19 years ago.
How long were you married?
Two years.
Her name was sara.
She used to put baby powder
in all of her shoes.
We had this brown shag carpet
in the house.
So she'd walk around.
She'd leave these white
footprints everywhere.
It was like being married
to casper.
- Was she pretty?
- She had nice feet.
Did you love her?
Why do you hate your family?
I don't hate them.
I just...
i'm happy i'm not them.
Hate's an emotion.
I'm not good with emotion stuff.
No emotion.