My First Mister

All right. Hold this.
I'll guard you.
- Can you hold that?
- I've got that.

- Oh, bitchin'!
- How does it look? Good?

- It kicks ass.
- Thank you.

So what do you
want to do now?

Come on. Yes!
Just a small one. We'll put it
someplace nobody will notice.

Listen to me very carefully.
I am not getting a fucking tattoo.

Ooh, you said
the really bad word.

Yeah, i did.
I am, in fact,
the boy who cried "fuck."

I want the smallest tattoo
that you can make.

A dot or a period
or something like that.

Does it come in a flesh tone?
Very, very, very small.
Oh, jesus.
Oh, god.
It's a scorpion.
