What a bastard!
I'm glad you're here.
-What shouId we do?
Whatever you want.
We couId drop
your bag off at home.
Okay, Iet's go.
No, Iet's pIay table footbaII.
Here's what we'II do.
We drop your bag off
and then go fishing.
-I've got great news.
My parents are away.
So what will we eat?
What a surprise!
-You're so thin.
Give me a kiss.
-You've grown?
Not Iike your friend,
who doesn't eat.
You are handsome!
I hope you'II ask me out.
Why not?
-How's schooI?
-Pretty bad.
-Yes, bad.
-WiII you go to university?
-Nico wants to be a mechanic.
-Of motorcycles.
-Racing motorcycIes.
Does that pay off?
WeII, you shouId know.
Bye, Marianne. Nico!
We couId go hunt
rabbits tomorrow.